Weight Loss Story... How I lost 165 pounds!!!

The Father has given me a testimony for my weight loss story and He has said that now is the time to share it so here I go sharing it! This weight loss journey has been epic, to say the least. I just want to encourage anyone that has struggled for years or even decades, it is never too late to change the narrative of your journey. Journey with me as I share my weight loss story.

Check out the video My Journey to Weight loss: How I lost over 100 pounds!

ERROR!! That is what my scale said when I stepped on it. I was devastated. I read the instruction manual and the maximum weight for the scale was 330 lbs. How could it be that I weighed more than 330 lbs. So I searched for a scale with a 400 lb capacity. I ordered it and when it came in the mail, I ripped it open, placed it on the floor and stepped on it. I couldn’t believe my eyes, 350 lbs. My spirit was broken and my heart shattered, how could I let this happen. With those 350 lbs came low self esteem, emotional chaos, bad health and a suffering relationship.

Since I can remember I was always a “Big Girl”. Throughout my school years I was known as “fatty” or “tons of fun”and I was even called Free Willie. There were times when I would prepare myself for school by looking in the mirror or drawing a picture and calling myself names, in an effort to get as many tears out as possible, so that I would not cry when the name calling started. I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing my tears.

My Weight loss story...I tried over and over again to lose...

Time and time again I have tried to conquer the one thing I couldn’t and that was my weight. Many of nights you could find me ordering a magic fat blocking pill or a series of workout videos or some fancy machine that gave you ripped abs, all money wasted. I would loose some, just to gain it back.

 Then it happened, in Sept 2009, I hit a wall. After having my son in April 2008 and a maternity leave filled with eating just because I was bored, I weighed in at 302 lbs. wearing a size 24/26. Yes, for years I had lost and gained and this is where I ended up.  The moment had finally come, my mind, body and spirit all reached the pinnacle of being fed up! I wanted out of the 300’s and bad. I was at a breaking point; I would avoid looking in any mirror, looking at my reflection, or even my shadow for that matter. I truly hated seeing myself.

My Weight Loss Story...I hit a wall...

I was finally ready, ready to change me for me. I prayed and prayed hard, that The Most High Yah would give me strength and most of all discipline, to finally go all the way. To stick it out and not workout for two weeks and find some excuse to quit. I prayed that He would stay by my-side and bless me to make it through. I prayed for a miracle.

So my husband and I developed a plan to change our lives once and for all. Each time I tried loosing weight my goal was to be 185lbs. So I decided to stick to this lifetime goal. Wow, I need to lose 117 more pounds! That is a whole person!

The Plan...How did I lose the weight?

The plan we developed was a 6 week boot camp series, in which we would complete the 6 week boot camps over and over until we reach our ultimate goal, meanwhile setting intermittent goals for each 6 week camp. With this boot camp, we worked out 5-6 days a week, 45-60 minutes a day, while eating 1000-1200 calories per day. We would eat 5-6 small meals and drink the recommended 8-10 cups of water per day (usually) and then weigh in faithfully every Monday morning.  This is our recipe for success!!

 My journey over this time was filled with victories, milestones and of course some obstacles. However, knowing that YAH was with me and making the commitment to myself and accepting the challenge to change was my motivation to push on.

 As the weight began to come off, I was so excited!! Size 22, 20, 18, 16, 14…My passion for working out and eating healthier grew as I lost the pounds. The scale became my motivator instead of my enemy.

My faith in the Father, Focus, Discipline, and Commitment were all key elements in my journey to weight loss success. Not to mention the support of my awesome husband, who also followed the program and lost over 80lbs. I believe that when you trust in YAH wholeheartedly and not half way or sometimes, and then trust in yourself, you can achieve ANYTHING and as Mathew 21:22 states, And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive!!!

BEFORE and After....