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Who said "The Kingdom is in You?!
February 10, 2022

Welcome to Kingdom News!!!

Welcome to the kick off edition of Kingdom News!!! We are thrilled to have you as a subscriber and trust that this will be a wonderful experience for you. So, with no further delay, let us introduce you to Kingdom Khai!

Who or What is Kingdom Khai?

In order to answer this question, we have to break the name down to provide you with full understanding. Let’s start with the word “Kingdom”, capital “K”. Capital “K” because we’re not talking about any old kingdom. We’re talking about the “the Kingdom of Heaven”. This kingdom is the same “Kingdom” in “Kingdom Khai”!

Now we’ll move on to the word “Khai”. Khai is the English transliteration of the Hebrew word spelled "Chet, Yod". Khai, is also spelled in English “chai or hhai”. It is the Hebrew word for life. So, to bring it all together:

“Kingdom Khai” = “Kingdom Life”

Here at Kingdom Khai our vision is to empower everyone to live a Kingdom Life in today’s world. Our vision leads directly into our mission, which is to provide everyone with world class resources to empower them to live that Kingdom Life they envision.

To achieve our mission, we begin with essential information, founded on sound biblical principles and modern-day practical application. We emphasize elevation through education. We expand from learning and encourage doing, by cultivating valuable tools and services for the job. From universal, everyday home and office materials, to unique Hebraic cultural amenities, we create “World Class Kingdom Resources”.

What started as our personal journey to hold ourselves accountable to learning and living our Creator’s Word, has now led to product sales in the US, UK, Germany, France and Africa! All Praises to the Most High!!!

Our First Edition:

Now, that we’ve caught you up to speed on Kingdom Khai, let’s get into this first newsletter. So, we were thinking… “When should we publish our first bi-monthly newsletter?” How about the obvious time & place? It’s 2022! The new Gregorian year has started world-wide. It’s a time where many take a look at their current physical state and start on a trek to improve by making a “New Year’s Resolution”. It truly is a great time to focus in and look ahead, ignoring the cold of the winter season. With that, how about we focus on the positive side of things, we’ve entered into February, where the Winter begins to wind down! It's also the month when Black History is a main stream focus. So, there’s lots to be excited about.

Black History Quick Reads Check them out here---> African American-Black History

From the Biblical perspective, we've come to “Chodesh Shanayim Eser” aka “the 12th month” in the Hebrew year. That's right, we are in the Hebrew month of Adar! Adar (1) 5782 to be exact.

This Month’s Topic:

So, our topic this month is…“Who said, The Kingdom Is in You?!”

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God (Elohim) is within you.

Uhmm… Our Messiah said that the Kingdom is in You. In fact, he also said that we should be seeking this kingdom.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God (Elohim), and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The waiting is over, the time to bring the Kingdom out is now! Why are you waiting for the kingdom to come, when the kingdom is in you?! It’s time for that “New You”! It’s time for the “Kingdom You”. This can be summed up in two simple words, yep you guessed it, “Self-Improvement”.

No matter if you’re working on your health and wellness or your financial stability, there is a heavy focus on building Your House this year. Hebraically it is the Biblical year 5782 and based on the groundbreaking teachings of Moreh Adewunmi Gbogboade, it’s time to “Build the House”. The House can mean your literal house, family, or yourself for starters.

How can we do this on a practical level? Well, first we may want to effectively reflect on ourselves, our current situation or our past. This will help us assess where we’re at and where we want to go. Here are a few passages to help with this process.

To assist us in the process of self-reflecting, consider reading and pondering Haggai 1:5-7, and for encouragement along the way also read Proverbs 3:5-8. Please email us at your thoughts, tips and testimonies, as we all are embarking on this journey and can help each other through our experiences.

Testimony of the Month:

How I lost 165 pounds!!!

“My faith in the Father, Focus, Discipline, and Commitment were all key elements in my journey to weight loss success…I believe that when you trust in YAH wholeheartedly and not half way or sometimes, and then trust in yourself, you can achieve ANYTHING and as Mathew 21:22 states, And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”!!! ~Sister Kalah Check out the full testimony HERE---> WeightLossStory.html

What’s New?

As we look to improve our image from physique to finances, we have some awesome new products to help us on our journey!

Check out our...

*Health and Fitness Series| Healthy Lifestyle Planners, Trackers, Logs & more!

Assess and enhance yourself. Use these trackers to help you build the NEW YOU!

Check them out Here--->

*Budget Planners

Don’t let inflation, bills or debt control you, start planning for success with one of our financial planners. Master your budget today!

Check them out Here ---> Budget & Finance Series

*Assorted Diaries & Journals

From personal diaries for kids and adults to our new “Steward’s Journal” to help you write the Word of Our Creator, His Torah, we can help you document your daily walk.

Choose the right resource for you! Rate & review it, then let us know how you like it and what we can improve on.

Check them out Here --->

Fun For the Kids

Download this ABC Handwriting Practice Worksheet & Hebrew Handwriting Practice Worksheet for FREE!

ABC Printable: Download your Copy Here--->

Hebrew Printable: Check it out Here--->

But wait, there's more...

If you want more quick printables visit our digital store and download instantly!

Check it out Here--->

Our Final Thought:

Don’t forget to transform your mind!

Romans12:2 In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh (this world). Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what God (Elohim) wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying, and able to succeed.

Changing our state of mind is essential to our entire walk! We must get into the habit of being able to change our mindset as we acquire and process new information. Our minds are what connects our physical to our spiritual. This is why the renewing and transforming of our minds is so important. This is just a reminder as we aim to achieve our self enhancement goals becoming the kings and queens we’re destined to be.

Cultivate Life!

Kingdom Khai is about cultivating life! From the miracle of childbirth to coping with the loss of a loved one we strive to be a resource to help you along the way. With "Transformative, Thought-Provoking, High-Quality Content”, relevant for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life, but geared towards those who want to live The Kingdom Life! Education, Finances, Health, Marriage, Parenting, Relationships, if it happens in life, we need to talk about it! Our perspective, however, is through the initial lens that Our Creator intended, His Kingdom.

Until next issue, Shalom, Shalum!!!

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